Newborn photo shoot - why is it important to book a photo shoot in advance

Early booking of a newborn photo shoot

photo by Viktoria Iljin

The recommended age for a newborn photo shoot is the first two weeks of a baby’s life.

Newborn photo shoot in Tallinn
Newborn photo shoot in Tallinn

For the most part, newborn babies at this time

🥰 sleep more

🥰 it is easier to put them in a pose

🥰 they have clear skin

🥰 they are not bothered by gazes yet

Newborn photo shoot
Newborn photo shoot

Of course, you can try to sign up for the newborn photo shoot upon the birth of the baby (call as soon as you get well, for 2-3 days), but in this case there is a risk that due to the workload I will not have time to organize everything before 14 days.

Newborn photo shoot in Tallinn
Newborn photo shoot in Tallinn

Therefore, I strongly advise you to schedule a newborn photo shoot according to the PDB (preliminary date of birth), then I will have a reference point, and the chances of a quiet newborn shooting and beautiful pictures will increase significantly!